NOURISH: A Nervous System Reset & Rejuvenation

Discover the Power of Ancient Wisdom plus Modern Science


    Restore balance to your body, mind, sleep, and energy.


    Cultivate resilience and transform stress and challenges.


    Create new habits and routines that support vitality and energy.

Discover a new level of vitality, clarity, and inner peace when you NOURISH your nervous system.

Are you feeling overwhelmed or burned out? 

Are your sleep, energy, inspiration or ability to focus suffering? 

It's time to press the reset button and nourish yourself from the inside out. 

It's time to reclaim your inner balance, vitality and peace.

I invite you to NOURISH yourself in this regenerative journey to reset your nervous system through living yoga, Ayurveda and cutting-edge science. 

NOURISH is a unique, targeted and evidence-based program designed to regulate, restore and reset your nervous system.

You'll discover how to nurture personal balance to support deeper sleep, less stress, natural energy, better focus and overall life vibrancy inside and out.

You'll learn techniques involving your body, breath, brain and lifestyle to create specific effects for desired physical, mental and emotional states, not only in the program but for the rest of your life!

Rejuvenate, restore, resource, regenerate.

NOURISH Yourself

Experience a diversity of practices, drawn from timeless wisdom and modern science to find what best serves YOU.

NOURISH course includes:

  • ✓ Weekly live, virtual meetings with movement, breath, meditation & lifestyle practices
  • ✓ Energy management techniques & sleep support practices
  • ✓ Ancient techniques: living Yoga & Ayurveda
  • ✓ Modern science: research & understanding
  • ✓ 1:1 Individual Ayurvedic Intake
  • ✓ 1:1 Personalized BodyMind Lifestyle Plan
  • ✓ Private WhatsApp Community
  • ✓ Lifetime access to online course platform, manual & recordings
  • ✓ Your path to overcome burnout, restore sleep, and elevate your vitality for life!

NOURISH is for you if...

  • ✓ You feel like you’re running on empty, overwhelmed, or just out of sync.
  • ✓ You struggle with chronic stress and its effects.
  • ✓ Your energy levels are unpredictable and low.
  • ✓ You have trouble sleeping or find it hard to relax.
  • ✓ You experience frequent mood swings or anxiety.
  • ✓ You feel disconnected from your body's natural rhythms.
  • ✓ You’re overwhelmed by a busy lifestyle and lack effective self-care practices.
  • ✓ Modern lifestyle challenges, such as sitting all day and constant screen time, affect you.
  • ✓ You’re interested in combining ancient wisdom with modern science for holistic health

Course Details & Logistics

Dates & Times:

Topics Covered:

  • Nervous system science
  • Optimizing sleep
  • Everything you need to know about breath
  • Accessible meditation techniques
  • Lifestyle practices for nervous system care
  • Crafting your personalized lifestyle for resilience & joyful living
  • Body-based practicesfor:
    • Energy
    • Restoration
    • Emotional release
    • Cultivating chosen mindset (clarity, focus, acceptance, creativity, etc.)
  • Living Ayurveda
    • Elemental theory & application
    • How to work with your unique bodymind type
    • The importance of digestion - of food & experienced
    • Cooking class & mindful eating
    • Aligning to daily & seasonal rhythms

What you get:

  • Extensive educational materials - digital course platform
  • Lifetime access to recorded sessions
  • Private WhatsApp Community
  • Two 1:1 sessions with Michelle - 1 Ayurvedic intake to begin, 1 personal Body-mind Lifestyle Coaching ($300 value)
  • Introductory access to Meera’ Dhawan’s Pranayama Course (1 month access, $60 value)
  • Embodied Resilience Training (on-demand, 6 month access, $997 value)
  • Option to add three 1:1’s with Michelle at a special rate $275 ($450 value)
  • Lifetime access to online course platform, educational resources and recordings
  • For teachers: 15 CEUs (YA or I-AYT)
  • Transformation inside & out!

Choose Your Pricing

I'm committed to building resilience in all ways, including by offering registration fee options.

Consider choosing the ABUNDANT tier & paying it forward if you:

  • Work part-time by choice
  • Own the home that you are living in
  • Have investments or retirement accounts
  • Can access family money in times of need
  • Have high earning potential (even if you’re not exercising that earning power now).

Consider choosing the BUDGET tier & paying less if you:

  • Receive some form of public assistance
  • Have medical expenses not covered by insurance
  • Hold significant amounts of student debt
  • Support children, parents, or other dependents
  • Serve as an unpaid community organizer

Please consider these factors without getting caught up in them!

Making an honest assessment of your finances when you engage with pay-what-you-can pricing practices helps grow strong, sustainable economic ecosystems. These options offer you a chance to consider your resources, look more closely at the various dimensions of privilege, and help move the needle towards economic justice, together. 

What folks are saying...

lasting impact

Donna K.

Once again, thank you, Michelle, for being an inspiring teacher and for creating an environment that promotes healing and growth. Your generosity has left a lasting impact on me, and I look forward to carrying the lessons from this retreat into my daily life.

overflowing gratitude

Lori A.

I have to take a moment to express my thanks for sharing this recent practice. It had a profound effect on me- I found my body & mind dropping into a deep processing mode as I was moving through it and can honestly say it was an experience I haven't had in my years of training & teaching. I'm so happy that from teachers like you, this work continues to move me and surprise me on new levels.

can't find the words

Jody O.

I wish I could find the words to let you know how met I felt and feel by you and your offerings.

you truly embody these energies

Judy O.

Your ways of creating an inviting space for play and possibility are irresistible. The invisible, yet palpable safety net you weave is so inviting to move inside of. Your willingness to be transparent and authentic is a beautiful model for the rest of us. What remarkable gifts you bring to the world of embodied practice!.

wow, just amazing

Ethan C.

I'm very impressed and my perspectives on yoga have shifted, widened, and deepened. Thank you! I continue to be impressed, informed, and inspired. It's so clear you've put years of thought and care into these sessions. I am very impressed. The presentations, the slides, everything is so well thought out. The slides are simply beautiful. The ideas are clear, compelling, and important. ¡Viva la revolución!

deep gratitude

Michelle V.

I appreciate all the love and care you pour into what you do. It’s unparalleled - truly. Oh my word, I’m so grateful to you. Thank you for changing my practice & approach. I can’t express the gratitude.

Presented by Michelle Bouvier

Michelle has dedicated her life's work to reclaiming the path of yoga as a way of life & liberating embodied yoga practice for human diversity & movement longevity. Her decades of training teachers & living the wisdom of yoga, Ayurveda & Shākta Tantra come from a deep reverence for root teachings & ongoing fascination with cutting-edge science of our bodymind. Michelle is committed to sharing the teachings & practices that have changed so many lives because of her belief that these living streams of wisdom are some of the most effective ways we can support balance & resilience in our rapidly transforming world.

With Special Guest Teachers

Meera Dhawan

Meera is a yoga educator and therapist-in-training who aims to integrate Eastern and Western practices for mental and spiritual clarity. She draws from early inspiration observing her grandma using Yoga and Ayurveda as a way of life. Meera believes in a personalized approach, working with clients 1:1 to empower them to bring Yoga into their day-to-day based on their unique goals. Meera has specialized training in Pranayama, Trauma-Informed Yoga and is pursuing a degree as a therapist (MFT) to blend modalities that empower others to inner peace.
Meera Dhawan

Lily Russo

Lily is a mother, artist, yoga teacher trainer and Ayurvedic Practitioner based in southwest Colorado. As a yoga teacher, Lily is dedicated to supporting people to access their inner resources of intuition, creativity and healing, to reverse the effects of burnout and uncover their inner radiance. As a Masters of Science in Maharishi Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, she helps people understand their unique constitution and incorporate living Ayurveda into a life of radiant health.
Lily Russo

NOURISH with ancient wisdom + modern science

  • Effective nervous system regulation techniques

  • Ayurvedic lifestyle practices for holistic health

  • Evidence-based breath, mindfulness and embodiment exercises

  • Restorative yoga sequences for deep relaxation and healing

  • Stress management and resilience building

  • Deep connection and belonging within your heart

Your healing work matters

Co-Regulation - Our Innate Superpower

Have you heard of the term co-regulation? 

It's a term used in nervous system science to describe overcoming emotional distress and self-soothing with the support of another. Our energy and presence influence others. It’s the most powerful way we can support grounding and balance in other humans.

In other words, when you care for YOUR nervous system, you can calm, soothe, and support the healing process in others.

This means that the healing work you do for yourself matters to more than just yourself... it touches lives and ripples out to impact the world.

When you care for YOUR nervous system, you can calm, soothe, and support the same in others. Truly, our greatest superpower to thrive in a changing world is a regulated nervous system that can help us find collective balance.

Experience a complete reset for your nervous system & a new level of vitality.

  • If daily stress and burnout are draining and disorienting you, NOURISH is designed to help you find calm and restore balance.

  • If long-term stress is damaging your body and mind, NOURISH offers tools to break the stress cycle and regain your sense of well-being.

  • If you’re experiencing fatigue and inconsistent energy, NOURISH provides methods to boost your vitality and maintain steady energy throughout the day.

  • If insomnia or restless nights affect your life, NOURISH introduces strategies to improve sleep quality and create restful routines.

  • If emotional highs and lows impact your daily life, NOURISH equips you with techniques to stabilize your mood and enhance emotional resilience.

See you in NOURISH.

Reach out directly if you have any further questions about the course.


  • I'm curious but have no experience in yoga, is this appropriate for someone like me?

    Absolutely. This course welcomes everyone, no matter familiarity with the topics. Living yoga is all inclusive, and life-long. There's value here for absolute beginners and there's depth for seasoned practitioners alike.

  • How much time does this course take?

    We meet live for 2hrs a week, and encourage you to develop a personal practice that can be anywhere between 15min-2hrs a day. You'll receive abundant resources to go deeper through books, articles, videos and more if you wish - and you'll have access to them indefinitely.

  • Will this be recorded?

    Yes, recordings will be posted as soon as possible after each session, and available on the course platform indefinitely.

  • What is Living Yoga?

    Yoga is not merely a practice; it's a way of life. It's living from a place of interconnected belonging. It’s about aligning your whole being with natural rhythms of contrary complements & unlocking doors to a more fulfilling existence. There are many ways to 'practice' yoga, to fit the diversity of humans, needs, time, place, age, etc. This course shares some of the most accessible practices that use meditation, breath, mindfulness & lifestyle, rooted in philosophies that are extraordinarily relevant for our modern lives.

  • What is Living Ayurveda?

    Ayurveda, the integral sister science to yoga, teaches us to live in harmony with Nature, the elements we are made of & the intelligence of life itself. Ayurveda guides how we choose which practices, foods, rhythms of rest & activity, self-care & creative expression are most suited for our unique constitution & life circumstances, as well as how to adapt when circumstances inevitably change. The Ayurvedic practices you'll learn in this course are ones you can do in just a few min a day that will help you find your way back to yourself. You'll learn how to integrate these practices into the life you're already living.

  • What is Shākta Tantra?

    The philosophy of Shākta Tantra emphasizes a deep and direct connection with the universe, the importance of the feminine divine, as the power of flow & change, in all aspects of life. Shākta Tantrik philosophy is particularly beneficial for modern times because it emphasizes a holistic approach, recognizing the interconnectedness of all things, which leads to a more balanced & fulfilling life.

  • Living Yoga, Ayurveda & Shākta Tantra together...

    Combined, these teachings provide practical tools & practices, proven by both ancient wisdom and modern science, to transform stress into peace, instability into emotional balance, and confusion into mental clarity. Imagine yoga coming alive in your life - connecting you to your authentic self & purpose while building mental & emotional resilience. You'll experience vitality, presence, grace, and joy as never before.

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