Timeless Wisdom for Modern Life

Living Yoga, Ayurveda & Shakta Tantra

Yoga is a holistic way of life, a philosophy of interconnection from which to view the world and live aligned to your purpose. Ayurveda and Shakta Tantra are the sister sciences essential to embodying yoga as a way of life. 

Ayurvedic wisdom provides a framework for honoring your individuality in lifestyle, nourishment, exercise, daily rituals of self-care, as well as choices around daily yoga sadhana (asana, vinyasa, karana, pranayama, mantra, meditation, etc.)

Shakta Tantra is the often overlooked (for various historical reasons you'll learn in this training) roots of much of popular modern yoga: embodied physical asana, vinyasa and movement, as well as popular aspects of the subtle body, such as the chakras, nadis and Kundalini.

This 8-HR weekend immersion gives an overview of the historical teachings alongside relevant modern evidence-based perspectives to provide practical value for the needs of modern life.

Looking for a 300-HR yoga teacher certification? This 8-HR weekend immersion counts toward Yoga Alliance approved 300-HR certification through the Kutilaa School of Embodied Resilience. Contact Michelle for more information.


Topics Covered:

  • Multiple aspects and teachings on the subtle body
    • Trisharira (The Three Bodies)
    • Pancha Maya Koshas (The Five Sheaths)
    • Origins & Evolution of the Chakras
    • Authentic understanding of Kundalini, based on the first known mentions in source texts
    • Tantrik Mantra practice that originated the Chakras and physical yoga
    • Pancha Vayus (The Five Winds, how Prana moves)
  • Intro to Ayurveda
    • Samkhya philosophy - one of the Shad Darshana, or six main schools of Indian thought
    • Maha Gunas (The Three Great Qualities)
    • Pancha Maha Bhutas (Five Great Elements)
    • The three doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha)
  • Nervous system science in relationship to conceptual subtle body
  • A variety of pranayama and meditation techniques
  • How to work with the elemental qualities in your embodied practice
  • Historical context of how these streams of teachings (and more) relate, influence and change through time

What you'll get:

  • Authentic understanding of the origins & evolution of the Chakras from Tantrik practice to modern times
  • Experience the foundational mantric resonance practice at the heart of Shakta Tantra
  • A practical introduction to lifestyle balance through Ayurveda
  • Understanding & reverence for cultural context & historical influences on ancient traditions
  • Extensive educational materials - digital training manual
  • Lifetime access to recorded sessions
  • For teachers: 8 CEUs (YA or I-AYT)
  • Bonus Observation Meditation
  • Bonus Yoga Nidra Recording
  • 50% Coupon for one Kutilaa Collection
  • Option to add 1-on-1 sessions with Michelle at reduced rate (Yoga Therapy / Ayurveda Lifestyle Design / Embodied Resilience: Personalized Movement Mapping)
  • Transformation inside & out!

Bring Yoga to Life!

Integrate the wisdom of Yoga, Ayurveda and Shakta Tantra together to support body, mind, soul and life transformation.

Accessible from anywhere, this training presents historical context extremely relevant for the modern day, that's rare to find in other trainings.  Explore an expansive combination of philosophy, practice & lifestyle wisdom, rooted in source texts. Led by Michelle Nayeli Bouvier, with special guest teacher Christopher Tompkins.

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