The Kutilaa School of Embodied Resilience is a Yoga Alliance registered yoga school offering in-depth, world-class yoga teacher training at the 300-HR level, as well as cutting-edge continuing education for movement teachers of all styles. 

Rooted in the tradition of non-dual Shakta Tantric philosophy, we honor this ancient lineage of yoga as the basis of yogic 'view teachings' and roots of modern practices. We honor yoga as a way of life, which we engage and cultivate through a variety of movement, meditative and lifestyle practices.  In service to the needs of modern lives, we align deeply to the roots of yoga while adapting the powerful teachings to be practical, valuable and relevant today. 

In this evolution, our school incorporates the transformative capacities of living yoga philosophy, meditation, mantra, somatic embodied practices, self-study, Ayurveda, ecopsychology, embodied leadership and cutting-edge bodymind and nervous system science. Our esteemed faculty comprises a collection of world-class teachers who each hold a wealth of knowledge, education, and experience in their respective fields.

With combined tens of thousands of hours of specific study and teacher training, each of the Kutilaa School teachers is dedicated to meeting you exactly where you are and to helping you to realize your goals through each of our trainings. We believe wholeheartedly in supporting you on your individual journey of profound transformation and integration.

At The Kutilaa School of Embodied Resilience, we recognize Yoga as a state of being and way of living in connection - not only in physical postures, but in every moment and in every facet of our lives. We embrace the many ways through which we can access this state of yoga so we can expand our capacity to engage in a life of clarity, authenticity, inspiration, meaning and aligned purpose.

A core mission of the Kutilaa School is to ignite a shift from standard approaches to modern postural yoga towards regenerative, healthy embodied practices through non-linear movement, aligning more truly with yogic teachings of truth, non-harming and unity, as well as with our body as a footprint of the intelligence of the flow of life.

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Kutilaa Sanskrit means the shape of three-dimensional spiral flow, coiling in opposing directions. In Tantrik texts, Kutilaa is another name for Kundalini Shakti ~ the flow & intelligence of the life force

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